The Golden Shadow: Unlocking your submerged potential (talk)

About the event
Jung’s concept of the golden shadow refers to the parts of ourselves that we repress or deny, yet which possess great potential for growth. These qualities, often associated with power, creativity, or confidence, are seen as unattainable or undesirable.
The golden shadow often manifests in our admiration or envy of others who seem to possess traits we feel are missing from ourselves. Recognising and integrating this can lead to a more complete self-awareness and a deeper connection with our true abilities.
Integrating the golden shadow involves acknowledging and embracing these hidden aspects of ourselves. By doing so, we unlock personal growth, expand our self-awareness, and become more whole. This process encourages us to reclaim and express our full potential.
In this talk, you will learn to uncover the incredible traits and abilities that are hidden in your golden shadow.