Wise Women: Reimagine The Second Half of Your Life with Dr. Sharon Blackie

About the event
We are delighted to be joined by Dr. Sharon Blackie and Mari Kennedy who will be delving into the the Heroine’s Journey beyond midlife, and redefining the richness and potential for women in life’s later chapters.
Sharon has written six books including two word-of-mouth bestsellers – If Women Rose Rooted and Hagitude – both of which have transformed women’s lives the world over, offering up a new Heroine’s Journey for this challenging social age. Sharon’s unique approach to working with the mythic imagination, fairy tales and folklore highlights the insights these traditions can offer us into authentic and meaningful ways of being in the world, and the ways in which they can help us to cultivate a deep and enduring sense of belonging to the places we inhabit.
For this very special event, Sharon will be discussing her soon-to-be published book Wise Women: A new mythology of older women with women’s leadership coach and Celtic wisdom holder, Mari Kennedy.
Wise Women is an inspiring and beautifully written collection of ancient stories retold to celebrate older women. From early childhood, we learn about the world and its possibilities through myths and fairy tales. The heroines, though, tend to be young, golden-haired princesses, and the evil-doers often older women: either wicked witches or unforgiving matriarchs. But from midlife onwards, women today are searching for positive versions of themselves, and this dazzling array of not-to-be-messed-with older characters provides them. They outwit monsters, test and mentor younger heroines, embody the cycles and seasons of the earth, weave the world into being – and almost always have the last laugh.
Whether you’re approaching midlife, in the midst of it, or beyond, this talk will offer inspiration for embracing the wisdom and power of your later years.